1934 Miss Baxter Seminary
Elizabeth Johnson

1934 Prettiest Girl
Ruth Bain

1934 Most Studious Student
Frances Bockman

1934 Homeliest Boy
P. D. Dotson

1934 Most Popular Student
Denver Garrison

1934 Most In Love
Jack Power McGlasson

1934 Biggest Talker
Tom Sewell

1934 Biggest Flirt
Helen Compton

1934 Best Athlete
Ben Myers

1934 Laziest Student
Evelyn Stanton

1934 Best Looking Boy
Frank Grace

1934 Bachelor of Beauty
Prof. Willis N. Pirkle
(voted by the Faculty)

1935 Miss Baxter Seminary
Martha Bass

1935 Most Popular Student
Elizabeth Johnson

1935 Best Athlete
V. D. Nunally

1935 Homeliest Boy
Charles Ward

1935 Prettiest Girl
Ruth Grace

1935 Best Looking Boy
Frank Grace

1935 Most Studious Student
Vinnie Carr

1935 Most Dignified
Hugh Myers

1935 Wittiest Student
Jimmie Daniell

1935 Most In Love
Velma Marks

1935 Most Talkative
Tom Sewell

1935 Laziest Student
Kenneth Nash

1935 Biggest Flirt
Ora Mae Bean

1936 Miss Baxter Seminary
Lillian Jared

1936 Most Popular Student
J. T. Johnson

1936 Best Girl Athlete
Geda Gill

1936 Best Boy Athlete
Mark McGlasson

1936 Prettiest Girl
Ann Jared

1936 Best Looking Boy
Cecil Sliger

1936 Homeliest Boy
Louis Towles

1936 Neatest Boy
Gilbert Browning

1936 Neatest Girl
Dorothy Gill

1936 Wittiest Student
Johnnie Starnes

1936 Joliest Junior
Johnny Huddleston

1936 Most Solemn Sophomore
Ora Mae Bean

1936 Freshest Freshman
Emerson Farell

1936 Laziest Student
John Tam Jared

1936 Most In Love
Louise Gann

1936 Biggest Flirt
Louise Massey

1936 Most Talkative
Jean Julian

1936 Most Studious Student
John Henry Buckner

1938 Miss Baxter Seminary
Ora Mae Bean

1938 Bachelor of Ugliness
Robert McKinley

1938 Most Friendly
Jean Julian

1938 Most Ambitious
John Henry Buckner

1938 Laziest Student
Durall Foster

1938 Freshest Freshman
Bill Lee

1938 Silliest Sophomore
Elizabeth Thackston

1938 Jolliest Junior
Maude Maxwell

1938 Most Dignified Senior
Edith Askew

1938 Best Girl Athlete
Wanda Smith

1938 Best Boy Athlete
Virgle Brown

1938 Most Attractive Girl
Ann Jared

1938 Most Attractive Boy
Jesse Huddleston

1938 Wittiest Person
Brad Martin

1938 Biggest Flirt
Faye Lee

1938 Most In Love
Charles Jernigan

1938 Cutest Couple
Carlen McBroom

1938 Cutest Couple
Emogene Robinson

1938 Favorite Teacher
Miss Nelle Elaine Adams