1940 Miss Baxter Seminary
Mary Ruble

1940 Bachelor of Ugliness
Harold Bartlett

1940 Friendliest Student
Wilma Sewell

1941 Most Studious Student
Charles Gentry

1940 Laziest Student
Charles Green

1940 Freshest Freshman
Lois Bruce

1940 Silliest Sophomore
Marcia Cathy

1940 Jolliest Junior
Bill Lee

1940 Dignified Senior
Ruth Barks

1940 Best Girl Athlete
Golda Hall

1940 Best Boy Athlete
Jesse Huddleston

1940 Biggest Flirt
Hazel Dyer

1940 Most Popular Teacher
Miss Harriet Wood

1940 Most Popular Girl
Louise Clark

1940 Most Popular Boy
Willard Johnson

1941 Bachelor of Ugliness
Bob Grace

1941 Miss Baxter Seminary
Louise Clark

1941 Most Studious Student
Charles Gentry

1941 Friendliest Student.
Faye Alcorn

1941 Laziest Student
Bill Lee

1941 Most Dignified Senior
Lillian Crawford

1941 Best Boy Athlete
Bill Lee

1941 Best Girl Athlete
Golda Hall

1941 Most Popular Girl
Louise Clark

1941 Most Popular Boy
Taylor Halfacre

1941 Biggest Flirt
Frances Farmer

1941 Jolliest Junior
Pearl Thomas

1941 Silliest Sophomore
Whitson Burton

1941 Freshest Freshman
Frances Farmer

1943 Miss Baxter Seminary
Faye Alcorn

1943 Bachelor of Ugliness
Bill Gill

1943 Most Dignified Senior
Charles Gentry

1943 Jolliest Junior
Peggy Lee

1943 Silliest Sophomore
Austin Thompson

1943 Freshest Freshman
Bill Taylor

1943 D.A.R.
Reba Smellage

1943 Laziest Student
Whitson Burton

1943 Best Boy Athlete
Elmer Massa

1943 Best Girl Athlete
Sue Herren

1943 Most Popular Boy
Harold Johnson

1943 Most Popular Girl
Faye Alcorn

1943 Biggest Flirt
Willard Marlowe

1943 Cutest Couple
Sue Starnes

1943 Cutest Couple
Medford Jernigan

1944 Miss Baxter Seminary
Frankie Carter

1944 Bachelor of Ugliness
Burr Mills

1944 Most Dignified Senior
Miriam Shanks

1944 Best Boy Athlete
Warren Wheeler

1944 Best Girl Athlete
Sue Rhea Herren

1944 Best All Round Girl
Peggy Lee

1944 Best All Round Boy
Burr Mills

1944 Most Popular Girl
Frankie Carter

1944 Most Popular Boy
Charlie Thomas

1944 Friendliest Girl
Dean Banks

1944 Friendliest Boy
Burr Mills

1944 Biggest Girl Flirt
Minnie Patton

1944 Biggest Boy Flirt
Robert MacIntyre, Jr.

1944 Cutest Couple
Aloyn Julian

1944 Cutest Couple
Anna Mae Rodgers

1944 Joliest Junior
Clyde Maddux

1944 Silliest Sophomore
Doris Williams

1944 Freshest Freshman
Jack Garrison

1945 Miss Baxter Seminary
Martha Jane Elrod

1945 Prince of Charm
Bud William Banks

1945 D.A.R.
Reba Denny

1945 Best All Round Girl
Margaret Bartlett

1945 Best All Round Boy
Bill Duke

1945 Most Studious Girl
Frances Jared

1945 Most Studious Boy
Richard Savage

1945 Most Popular Girl
Carolyn Wilkes

1945 Most Popular Boy
William Stout

1945 Friendliest Girl
Fonda Copenhaver

1945 Friendliest Boy
Ralph Fike

1945 Prettiest Girl
Janie Huddleston

1945 Best Looking Boy
James Pope Brady

1945 Best Girl Athlete
Roberta Alcorn

1945 Best Boy Athlete
Harold Palmer

1945 Most Dignifies Senior
Jacob "Jake" Gardner

1945 Jolliest Junior
Madge Stanton

1945 Silliest Sophomore
Ann Hughes

1945 Freshest Freshman
Newton Taylor

1945 Biggest Girl Flirt
Charlie Mae Dalton

1945 Biggest Boy Flirt
Paul Young

1945 Cutest Couple
Kathy Belle Hall

1945 Cutest Couple
Neil Denton Alcorn

1946 Prince of Charm
James Beaty

1946 D.A.R.
Glenna Cooper

1946 Miss Baxter Seminary
Charline Evans

1946 Best All-round Girl
1946 Best Dignified Senior
Willene Bruce

1946 Best All_round Boy
James Beaty

1946 Most Studious Girl
Mildred Jared

1946 Best Boy Athlete
G. V. Thomas

1946 Most Popular Girl
Janie Huddleston

1946 Friendliest Girl
Billie Jo Freeman

1946 Friendliest Boy
William Stout

1946 Prettiest Girl
Wallene Huddleston
1946 Best Looking Boy
G. H. McCain

1946 Best Girl Athlete
"Dink" Alcorn

1946 Biggest Girl Flirt
Betty Jo Maddux

1946 Cutest Couple
C. H. McCain
Lois Cooper

1946 Freshest Freshman
"Oneida Johnson
1946 Silliest Sophomore
Mary Jo Smith
1946 Jolliest Junior
B. J. Wilson

1946 Biggest Boy Flirt
Estel Lowe

1946 Most Studious Boy
Harold Ray Wallace

1947 D.A.R.
Dean Banks

1947 Miss Baxter Seminary
Eleanor Stout

1947 Prince of Personality
Robert Anderson

1947 Best Looking Boy
Bill Poole

1947 Prettiest Girl
Juanita Cerda

1947 Best All Round Girl
Georgia Beaty

1947 Most Studious Student
James Millis

1947 Best Boy Athlete
Garland Stanton

1947 Best Girl Athlete
Billy Rhea Stringfield

1947 Most Popular Girl
Eleanor Stout

1947 Friendliest Boy
Bill Starnes

1947 Friendliest Girl
Ruby Grider

1947 Biggest Flirt
Bethel Foster

1947 Cutest Couple
Patsy Askew

1947 Cutest Couple
Bennie Corley

1947 Most Dependable Student
Roy Minton

1947 Laziest Student
Bruce Graham

1948 D.A.R.
Mildred Jared

1948 Prince of Personality
Bill M. Starnes

1948 Miss Baxter Seminary
Jackie Brown

1948 Best Looking Boy
Hugh Sadler

1948 Best Looking Girl
Noehmi Pego

1948 Best All Round Boy
Harold Ray Wallace

1948 Best All Round Girl

1948 Most Popular Boy
Bill Poole

1948 Most Popular Girl
Doris Lafever

1948 Most Studious Student
D. H. Thomas

1948 Most Dependable Student
James Millis

1948 Best Girl Athlete
Freda Sadler

1948 Best Boy Athlete
G. V. "Chig" Thomas

1948 Friendliest Girl
Freda Sadler

1948 Friendliest Boy
Bill Starnes

1948 Cutest Couple
Frances Allen

1948 Cutest Couple
Frank Scarr

1948 Greenest Freshman
Ometa Pullum

1948 Silliest Sophomore
Nelson Stewart

1948 Joliest Junior
Jerry Denny

1948 Most Dignified Senior
Wilfred Medley

1948 Biggest Flirt
Anita Cunningham

1949 D.A.R.
Geneva Barr

1949 Miss Baxter Seminary
Grace Thomas

1949 Prince of Charm
Eugene Jared

1949 Best Looking Boy
Bill Poole

1949 Best Looking Girl
Noemi Pego

1949 Best Boy Athlete
Alvin Jared

1949 Best Girl Athlete
Freda Sadler

1949 Best All Round Boy
Jerry Denny

1949 Best All Round Girl
Freda Sadler

1949 Most Studious Student
James Millis

1949 Cutest Couple
Bobbie Jean Allison

1949 Cutest Couple
Jack Starnes

1949 Friendliest Boy
Jerry Denny

1949 Friendliest Girl
Freda Sadler

1949 Most Dignified Senior
Gertrude Mitchell

1949 Most Dependable Student
James Millis

1949 Most Popular Boy
Jerry Denny

1949 Most Popular Girl
Doris Lafever

1949 Biggest Flirt
Virginia Myers

1949 Jolliest Junior
Herbert Ward

1949 Silliest Sophomore
Ometa Pullum

1949 Greenest Freshman
Ernestine Solomon