1951 Cabinet and Furniture 4

Veterans Class of 1951 Cabinet and Furniture 4
Instructor: Lucian Crawford
L-R Front row Wiley Brewington, Jessie Washer, Marion Chaffin, Claude Haney
Back Row Lucian Crawford, Thomas Welch, J. C. McCormick, William Jackson, Lionel Nabors, Jessie Horton, J. A. Vickers, Joe Bradley
1951 Auto Body Work

Veterans Class of 1951 Auto Body Work
Instructor: Carson Ward
L-R Front row George Mallory, Mack Bryant, Hubert Duke, Lloyd Martin, Leslie Johnson, Arnold Palmer, Preston Watson, Carson Ward
Back Row Alfred Cowan, Hollis Julian, Charlie Phipps, McAdo0 Dyer, Daley Vickers, William Carr, T. C. Huddleston, Clarence Oaks, Ernest Walker
Photos: Baxter Seminary Highlander - Baxter Seminary Yearbooks 1934-1960 by Mike and Audrey
Lambert www.ajlambert.com